HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA (Sept. 17, 2014) – Students, teachers, and administrators at Da Vinci Science, a certified PLTW Engineering high school, welcomed a high profile delegation of South Korean officials and science professionals this week. The delegation included the Director General of the Federation of Busan Science and Technology, an organization dedicated to supporting science curriculum and education for students in Busan, South Korea.
The group’s visit came as a result of PLTW President and CEO Dr. Vince Bertram’s visit to South Korea last April as the U.S. Department of State’s speaker and specialist on STEM education. During that trip, Bertram discussed the United States’ focus on STEM education and introduced South Korean officials to PLTW’s work. While South Korean students consistently rank among the top 10 on international math and science assessments, the visitors from South Korea were extremely impressed with, and interested in learning more about, the PLTW model.
While at Da Vinci Science, the group visited Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, and Digital Electronics classrooms and also met with the students and teachers of Biological Engineering and Engineering Design and Development. Da Vinci Science Principal Steve Wallis says the visitors were extremely impressed to witness PLTW in action, and their visit reaffirmed the relevancy of the PLTW program.
“They were very impressed with our students and with what they were doing in their classes even though they were only a month into the curriculum,” Wallis said. “PLTW classes are so hands-on and engaging that the kids are involved right out of the gate, and they get to discover, make mistakes, and learn the content through the work. It’s exciting to see how universally relevant, engaging, and rigorous the PLTW program is.”