Seven Project Lead The Way Courses Recommended for College Credit by ACE Learning Evaluations

How do ACE recommendations benefit students?
American Council on Education (ACE) Learning Evaluations has evaluated and recommended college credit for seven PLTW courses: Civil Engineering and Architecture, Cybersecurity, Digital Electronics, Human Body Systems, Principles of Biomedical Science, Medical Interventions, and Principles of Engineering.
Founded in 1918, ACE is the major coordinating body for all the nation’s higher education institutions, representing more than 1,600 college and university presidents and more than 200 related associations nationwide.
Students must achieve at least a 370 on the End-of-Course assessment to be awarded college credit as recommended.
All seven courses are now listed on the ACE National Guide. As college credit opportunities are solidified, all information will be listed on PLTW's Student Opportunities page.