PLTW Summit 2022 is coming to Orlando, FL Oct. 28-30, 2022, with workshop sessions to empower you with the tools and tips to maximize your time and enhance the learning experience for your students. See below for a first look at the sessions featured in our in-person PLTW Biomedical Science track, and head over to to add sessions to your PLTW Summit agenda!
Track: PLTW Biomedical Science
Have you ever wondered how to make your student assignments in PLTW Biomedical Science viewable in real-time? Do you want to streamline the process of assigning and grading work on your Learning Management System (LMS)? In this workshop session, we’ll share tips and tricks on how to set up electronic portfolios utilizing Google Classroom, Google Docs, and Google Drive along with online PLTW curriculum for each of the four classes within the PLTW Biomedical Science program to meet the needs of your students. We’ve created a successful way to navigate this work and you can learn how to do it, too!
Participants completing the session will:
Track: PLTW Biomedical Science
The Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE) is an industry-recognized exam designed to assess core skills and knowledge sets identified by industry and represented within the academic and performance standards of biotechnology programs. Every school that is part of the PLTW network receives free access and use of the BACE test preparation system with unlimited student seats. This workshop session shows you how to leverage the software while utilizing the PLTW Biomedical Science curriculum to increase student performance on the BACE industry credential.
Participants completing the session will:
Track: PLTW Biomedical Science
Paving a Path to University and Industry Partners highlights the development of partnerships with both universities and industry partners that not only provide curriculum enhancement while students are in PLTW programs, but also provides opportunities and pathways for students at the collegiate level. These pathways include summer research camps, co-teaching opportunities, and technology enhancements within the classroom that increase student engagement and promote student retention of knowledge.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Biomedical Science, PreK-12 Leadership
See what’s possible when a committed team joins together to create real opportunities for PLTW Biomedical Science graduates right out of high school! Supported by Washington State University Health Sciences Spokane, ADD WHO harnessed Eastern Washington’s vision for the future of workforce talent to support healthcare, innovative biomedical research, biotechnology, and biomanufacturing. In this session you’ll hear from ADD about their two-year project to integrate vital elements that would provide PLTW Biomedical Science students with opportunities to engage with local biomedical science industries to launch their careers.
Participants completing the session will:
Scott Troy
Track: PLTW Biomedical Science
Through a collaboration between a Colorado high school PLTW program and the University of Denver, we established a focused near-peer mentoring program in which a total of 33 Denver Univeristy STEM undergraduates mentored 67 PLTW students, creating a total of 21, 35-50-minute mentoring sessions that were held throughout the academic year of 2020-21. These mentoring sessions focused on both PLTW-specific topic mentoring, as well as "soft skill" and academic process skill mentoring. This workshop introduces the design and implementation of this very successful program, as well as tips and suggestions for creating similar cooperative experiences in other schools.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science, PreK-12 Leadership
Uxbridge High School (UHS), a small, suburban, public high school in central Massachusetts, has leveraged partnerships with local industry to create authentic learning opportunities for students and curriculum support for students. In doing so, the PLTW programs at UHS have been used to model a variety of other programs across the state and region, as the school merges these partnerships with traditional content areas in an effort to reimagine what school looks like.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science
Join this session to see how two teachers co-taught the PLTW Biomedical Science and PLTW Engineering classes to benefit all of the students. By utilizing both curriculums, the students were able to develop stronger research skills, as well as design and development skills to increase the depth of their capstone projects. Take part in this discussion of best practices and hear findings from using this model for the past two years.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science, PreK-12 Leadership
In this session, participants are given an overview of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) PLTW undergraduate college credit program and participate in an in-depth discussion about the credit registration process, benefits of college credit, and the transferability of credit.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Gateway, PLTW Biomedical Science
How can your team efficiently offer more hands-on experiences to students without exhausting industry resources? How do you engage medical professionals and connect them to your student's learning? How can you create memories for students to increase enrollment and retain students? This session offers insight into all of these topics for your PLTW Biomedical Sciences program.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Gateway, PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science
Game-based learning is about incorporating games into learning activities. Games provide a safe learning environment, help teach soft skills, and help create a more student centered classroom. This interactive workshop shows how easy it is to incorporate a wide variety of games into your everyday teaching. Games can be used to preview material, assessments, homework, review, and so much more. Games can be online, offline, high-tech, or low-tech. Incorporating more games into your classroom does not require a lot of additional prep and can go a long way in getting your students more engaged.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Launch, PLTW Gateway, PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science
Join our session to check out different styles of 3D printers. See how 3D printing enhances STEM instruction through different implemented projects that are proven successful. You’ll get the chance to use free software that can make innovative ideas come to a reality on a 3D printer.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Launch, PLTW Gateway, PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science
Discover how a school in Ohio created, grew, and maintained a thriving PreK-12 PLTW program. From its humble beginnings in 2008, Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools has steadily expanded its course offerings, trained staff, and continually increased the number of students impacted. Their PLTW program consistently achieves national, state, and local recognition, and serves as a model for schools looking to implement a robust PreK-12 PLTW program. Learn what is needed to garner community and industry support as you build and sustain your PLTW Program.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Launch, PLTW Gateway, PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science
You've probably heard "Kids read in every class, so you're ALL Literacy Teachers" but what does that look like in the PLTW classroom? Join in for a session on two low-stress, high-impact literacy strategies that can be used in PLTW classes across the full range of PLTW Launch, PLTW Gateway, and PLTW High School programs. Walk away from this session with ideas you can implement next week!
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Launch, PLTW Gateway, PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science, PreK-12 Leadership
In this session, participants will learn about how the DeSoto Parish School District revamped their STEM offerings using PLTW Launch, PLTW Gateway, and PLTW High School curriculum. Investigate the strategic planning that occurs between district and school leadership teams in order to increase student access to meaningful STEM programs. The collaborative effort requires creative scheduling and staffing solutions to meet the needs of the diverse student population in the parish.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Launch, PLTW Gateway, PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science, PreK-12 Leadership
The past three years have highlighted many of the most challenging aspects of teaching in the current era of education. Challenges in creating engaging experiences for learners and authentic connections with students abound.
How can teachers make their classroom experiences accessible and engaging for all students today? In this session, we’ll explore and share a number of strategies, including practical ways for implementing Universal Design for Learning, understanding how they can use good information design, and digging into case studies that demonstrate how to make the most of technology to engage and communicate with students and families.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Launch, PLTW Gateway, PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science, PreK-12 Leadership
PLTW is for everyone! Adapting your curriculum to multilingual learners enhances your classroom and provides access to your content for young minds from all over the world. This isn't an easy task, but we can implement some simple ideas to begin circumnavigating the complexities of the English language and return the focus to your content. Walk away from this session with tangible examples for teaching multilingual learners, specifically in the secondary classroom.
Participants completing the session will:
Track: PLTW Launch, PLTW Gateway, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science, PreK-12 Leadership
Methodology to implement a strong PLTW program in a small rural school can seem impossible. Budget constraints, teacher shortages, and dwindling enrollment are just a few of the many obstacles small schools face in implementing and growing their PLTW programs. While it may appear daunting, expanding and advancing the programs in these conditions is possible. This session illustrates the journey one small rural school took to grow their PLTW program encompassing all grades, bringing relevant STEM experiences to students from early Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Participants completing the session will:
Track: PLTW Biomedical Science
Are looking for ways to implement a sustainable PLTW Biomedical Science (BMS) program in your district? Join this session to see how educators from Palm Harbor University High School in Palm Harbor, Florida started, sustained, and supported their BMS program from start to finish.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science
In school year 2021-22, PLTW developed and tested an iteration of Engineering Design and Development titled PLTW Common Capstone. The goal of this test was to determine if the current course could be modified to be more inclusive of students from all three pathways (PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, and PLTW Biomedical Science) with little to no disruption for current Engineering Design and Development teachers and students.
In this session, current Engineering Design and Development, PLTW Computer Science, and PLTW Biomedical Science teachers and participants are asked to provide feedback and insight on additional resources created to support a PLTW Common Capstone.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science, PreK-12 Leadership
A panel of industry and district partners, such as those featured in PLTW impact profiles, share insights into creating and leveraging career-based learning opportunities for students. Learn how being intentional about career-based learning experiences, as well as collaboration with industry and the community can make a difference for student success.
Participants completing the session will:
Tracks: PLTW Computer Science, PLTW Engineering, PLTW Biomedical Science, PreK-12 Leadership
In this session, you’ll learn how one district turned their students' End-of-Course (EoC) Assessment scores into a continuous improvement plan for their PLTW programs. The district's CTE leaders share how they analyzed their campuses PLTW EoC Assessment reports from different angles to identify areas for improvement and areas of strength. We’ll also look at different ways that district and high school leaders can help support their teachers through professional development opportunities related to Informative and EoC Assessments.
Participants completing the session will:
Track: PLTW Biomedical Science
PLTW's Human Body Systems course is currently under revision for the fall of 2023. Join this session to learn about all the exciting updates coming soon!
Participants completing the session will:
Track: PLTW Biomedical Science
Learn best practices for managing your PLTW Biomedical Science labs.
Participants completing the session will:
Track: PLTW Biomedical Science
Participants completing the session will:
Are looking for ways to implement a sustainable PLTW Biomedical Science program in your district? Join this session to see how educators from Palm Harbor University High School in Palm Harbor, Florida, started, sustained, and supported their PLTW Biomedical Science program from start to finish.
Learn fundraising tactics used by the administration and other support programs through the creation of an advisory board.
PLTW Summit 2022 is a new and improved event designed to meet educators where they are and give them the tools and tips to facilitate an engaging and actionable learning experience for their students.
Join the experience on Oct. 28-30, 2022 either onsite at the World Center Marriott in Orlando, FL or virtually through our engaging and accessible online platform. Registration includes access to general sessions, workshop sessions, guest speakers, sponsoring partners, networking opportunities, and more.